Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Progress

Printed Out 19 Volunteer Service Boy's Reports spanning '69-2004

Also received the Messenger Reports on the Ferry accident in '92[?]

Received a 44 pg. Report on one area via e-mail that I have to edit

Have Three Earthquake reports, the forth one pending--very detailed

Have printed out Tent City report

Have studied the history of Haiti natural disasters and printed out a timeline to try to sort out the Hurricanes

Have sent e-mail to CPS and VS units requesting updated info


More VS BOYs reports from 2004-11

More eyewitness accounts of Hurricanes (Gustav, Ike, Flora, etc.)

Would be nice to have more information on the Embargo and a little on the political unrest and how it affected the Church.

More Reports on the West End, Fond Michelle, Ganthier, Fond Parisian

For Now Thank-You